Apr 7, 2008

Team jaypee.................

Recently tushar(yes he is one of my closest buddy and often you are goin to find his name in my blogs) and me decided to give water rafting another shot and this time we wanted to do things in a little big and better way, so finally we decided to go with a team , yes i mean frenz , but all my good buddies were busy so it happened that one day we came across our one of the oldest friend in college heena, and with her big grin she was al ready for it , but she had her few friends who were intrested to be the part of the adventure. Hmmmmm now that was a bit tricky as we all have a habit of saying yes quite impulsively to things, but at later stages we have a habit of sayin no , either coz of some other important commitments or may be coz" yaar parents allow nahin kar rahein hain" so i kind of made sure that all of them were goin wid us.It was eleven of us .Heena , one of my old buddies who is always cheerful and can laugh out at even serious things at times(God she cant stop laughing!) next was Pravesh , a descently polite guy ,with nice built and a stiff comptetior of tushar when it comes to flirting with girls( but i sumtimes think that from where has he got those serious looks), then was Neha( she was supposed to be on a educational trip) , i still have fond memories of her as it was in the first year that we both walked on the ramp (no guys relax it was just a mr & miss fresher event at my college) together, and then i had seen her at times in lecture theatres(mostly it was Mr. sanjay goel's lecture) popping out new and innovative ideas,which our faculty really admired ( although i never got them and i thought it all to be crap as i completely belong to old school of thoughts),next on the line was Akshay although i did not knew him much, but i got to discover most of him during the trip, then comes our famous Biotech lot( i have been hearing out all my college life about the attitude that this lot have , but when i got to know these gals i was completely amazed with there poor sense of humour (kidding yaar), polite ways and their beauty , " three devis" Anisha ,Shibani and Spandan.Then it was mayank , my batch mate who was all their for his sweetheart ( i felt it was more of love that brought him to this trip and i firmly believe that this is the way things should be when you are in love).Acha we also had a non -jiitian Tushar , he was akshay's friend , and the one whom i got to know least. during the trip, and finally it was tushar n me.So this time we had a team which was a blend of few known and many unknown faces.No doubt it was a great experience , but on the most part of the trip what i missed were my old buddies, who couldnot make it due to there personal reasons , but this is life and it is how things work at every stage we find new people, we have to smile with them, start with a fresh point , and finally you get in to the same rhytm , but one thing that i dont understand is that is it a change , need , or a way of showing that i will enjoy , whatever be the circumstances.


Unknown said...


i wanted to say thanks thanks and thanks again for making this trip to rishikesh happen. The place ws superb, mindblowing, awesome arrangements... and rocking friends. Well, u cn share a part of my thanks with tushar rishi as well... he also deserves it :)

and special thanks to u again for saving my life... or else i would hv drowned in holy ganges, atleast thts wht i think. Trust me, i'm sooooo scared of water, tht hd it not been for u, i wud nvr hv enjoyed rafting so much, and possibly wud nvr hv jumped frm tht cliff.

and one last thing... plz dont spread rumours about me... i'm not tht kindda girl. When hv u seen me attending a lot of sanjay goel's lectures. And evn if i've attended one or 2, why make it public.. meri image kitni karab kar di tumne apne blog mein aise aise likh kar...

last but nt the least, college is about to end, and i'll really miss u all guys. This last trip in colg will always b among one of the fondest memories of this colg....
THANKS GUYS..!! for giving us these sweet memories and sweet bread with chocolate custard nd yummy pasta as well....

es.en. said...

I still wonder why ppl think we have attitude. :D

anyway my sentiments are similar to those of the closet blogger above.. we found some very sweet friends and a few unforgettable memories on the trip, thanks. :)

Unknown said...

Dear i realy appreciate ur compliments but i guess u deserve it more than me....coz it was solely ur determination and courage that you went for most dreaded adventure that any gal wud have avoided, it was gud to see u doin all tht rockin stuff, hope to be with you again on such kind of adventuruous trip, hey n finally thx for such wonderful company , which is now embeded in my thoughts for lifetime.