Apr 16, 2008

Media. Kiss my ---

Someone help me out in getting the right content , media seems to be creating pefect mirages fooling people making me( and in that case most of us)to believe at those deceptions that are just blocking my thought process.I understand heroes are important , but its more of media( these idiots have launched a 24*7 news agencies)that has made our young mind look like that of an ass.Its our obsession with these false heroes that this idiot box shows us each day.We don’t need to look deep to realize this about us.I am an engineering grad so would like to take a example that will make u stress ur grey cells. Brand IIT, we all have heard about it therefore, anything to do with technology in India is referred to IITs while hundreds of universities and other institutes get no mention at all. " an IITian starts a pan shop" that makes a prime time headline.If a iitian decided to join a political party then we would say that " ohh look at him he is an iitian and he gave away his higly paid job as he wants to do good to our country" kudos to him if he has that as his real motto.But is not such headlines giving others youngsters a mental block, and such things are just giving the fodder to the starving media.

Actually its our( we commoners) fault , we dont realize that this media is just sympathising us all the times, playing with the sentiments of lot, making us feel that we lack something.......
As for me " Thankyou media for showcasing the brands and all the great icons that you have created , but young minds of India, even those with passion and enthusiasm to create and innovate, get bogged down by the pressures- created by you- the media, the elite writers, the parents, the teachers".


Unknown said...

hey i completely agree wid the fact..this media is a big time bugger for the regular students...

Unknown said...

heh!...big tym frustration....
dude chk out.. ndtv/cnn/ibn/profit ...network...they sell news...rest is peice of crap.

Unknown said...

i may seem lik mrkting them but u shud ckh out 4 urself.... a friendly suggestion

Anonymous said...

People should read this.