Aug 23, 2007

hermini & harry: journey..........

"excuse me"....."excuse me"......words fell in harry's eardrums, he opened his eyes , standing before him was a figure dressed in all black."Ticket please " asked the TT , with a impatient expression on his face. "London " ....."Harry"....."Thankyou", TT muttered three words and he was done with his job , he marked the ticket and moved forward ,harry kept the ticket in his pocket, "oh............" exclaimed harry.Suddenly harry was looking at something and he could not believe his eyes...harry blinked his eyes once, twice,thrice , but the figure remained same...., it was her , same girl whom harry saw at the station in London.Harry still couldnot believe his eyes , whatever it was luck or destiny it made harry happy , those soft looks which seemed to be free of all the worldly worries , telling everyone around that there are still lot of things around us which gives us a reason for being happy and lively , having a glow of a fresh rose that has just popped out of its bud on a fresh warm morning , and those eyes were just trying to say someting , it had the beauty of all the world in them , and those golden brownish free flowing locks that were troubling her again and again by touching her forehead and coming across her eyes enhanced her beauty and made the frame perfect , harry had never talked to her ,had never met her still he felt sumthing inside , as thoughts of her beauty were still flashing across his mind , she sat down , she had her seat in next bay to that of harry,it was late that night so harry decided to sleep for now, but the girl was all over his mind , harry wanted to talk to her , may be he wanted to go as step ahead and make her friend. Harry was thinking how should he approach her and definetley it would have been foolish on his part to go to her right now,so for now harry had a plan in his mind and he thought of executing it next morning....
Next morning as soon as harry woke up first thing that came to harry's mind was her.Oh she was still sleeping , she looked so was all slow ....her each breath seemed to be well synchronised with the sound of the engines , and in himself harry could hear the sound of silence, she had wrapped herself in white lenin sheet , with her face popping out of it ,which had the charm of an angel....suddenly she moved ,she opened her eyes and that daylight was clearly troubling her, slowly she opened her eyes , and welcomed the day with smile on her face , each frame with that girl in it looked so beautiful to harry. Harry waited for some time and finally he got down from his seat."HI" harry said to her." I am harry , i was just getting bored and saw that book , actually i am a great fan of DAN BROWN if you dont mind can i please borrow it", she looked at harry , and she knew that the guy was sitting in the bay next to him ." its ok you can have it" with a smile on her face she handed it to harry ,"no its not working "harry said to himself."what's ur name",harry asked ."hermini" she answered ."Do you mind if i sit with you"it seemed as if harry had dropped a bomb.Hermini was looking at her , and harry couldnot read that look "Ok , you can get your bag it will be a nice company "she said .Harry almost jumped on his feet and his excitement was clearly visible in his walk.For next two days they were talking , discussing and sharing things .Both of them looked so good together , harry knew it in himself that he had fallen in love with hermini , harry had not felt the same way for anyother girl , but he didnot knew what was in hermini's mind , neither did he wanted to go to fast that could have spoilt everything , harry wanted this seed of friendship to grow slow and good , and he knew that he will have to take a lot of care to see this seed giving beautiful flowers later.
Two days passed away so quickly , harry wished that the journey could have been a little longer, but good times never stay for long and so they had to depart now, they exchanged there mail ids and chat ids, and both promised each other to meet sometime soon.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude,, da description seems too real...
Nice one...
The story ends where it had to begin. But your writing style has managed to be superior enough to leave a mark in the minds of the reader that the story never ends!!
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