Apr 9, 2011

I do not feel proud.....do you?

I do not feel proud.....do you?

It's been more than 9 months since I have been in U.S and I am disappointed to see that the image of India has not changed much in the eyes of outsiders and this time it is for worse. I would be happier to be known as a poor guy rather being called a thief or a corrupt individual.

Above mentioned statement describes the state of my country as of now. People all over the world know that India is progressing and standard of living is getting better, but mismanaged political system and corrupt bureaucratic system are not changing.

The topic of white envelope culture in India has come up more than once in my MBA School and I cannot do anything other than to look down and stare at my blank notebook. I can feel the rush of blood when I hear such stories from non-Indians and yes, I am embarrassed with the current state of my country. But instead of getting defensive once again and pointing to other countries that are more corrupt than India, I want to take a stand. I want my house to be clean and I am no more OK living in filth and dirt and under an umbrella of disgrace like my neighbours, I want to improve and yes few people have shown me the support that I as a patriot need.
Yes, change is taking place; people are joining hands in India. Great leaders like
Anna Hazare, Kiran Bedi and many others are showing India the way and preparing a vision for clean and uncorrupted India. They just want us to stand beside them so they feel they are not alone.

I know for many of us who plan to stay in U.S it might look like a waste of another 5 minutes but remember that when our kids will ask us about our motherland we might feel ashamed in telling them about the country called INDIA.

I am not asking you the world, I just want all of us to be informed about the initiatives and pains that people are taking to make our lives better. Please take out some time and keep yourself informed about the Lokpal bill and support the ongoing movement in India in whatever way you can. Below link summarizes the lokpal bill briefly.....


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Unknown said...

Hi Harshit,
While I am glad that you have raised your concern about the corrupt bureaucrats and the support we need to provide for a better future, I believe whats more important is to create awareness amongst people to not vote for corrupt leaders and take a stance based on the candidates' genuine in interest serving ppl.

Harshit Purwar said...

I agree kanishka. However I feel that people become corrupt once they have the power. we have example in form of lau prasead, mayawati and Ms. Dutta. However creating awareness is the thing to do...and that is what I have tried to do..

Spandan said...

Its so good to see that people are making an extra effort to create awarness of whats happening in India. I truly support Anna Hazzare and appreciate the step that he has taken. It is quite commendable. My facebook wall has been flooded with people showing their support to Anna Hazzare and the movement. But my point doesnot end here. With due respect, my point is later how many of us (who have shown the support)will rather stick to not giving bribe of Rs 50/100 to a traffice policemen for Rs 500 penalty or be it rather anything when we know Rs 500 can get us a sumptous meal or coffee for 3 and more importantly will be less stresful and time consuming. My point here is WE need to take a stance and stop giving bribes to bureaucrats.

Harshit Purwar said...

I agree spandy and that has to surely start from us.....I hope things change. It will be a slow process but I am sure if our generation stay firm with the no bribe policy we can do it....

Divyamaan said...

Patriotism in the U.S. kya baat hai :)