Jul 22, 2007

hermini & harry: harry finds her....

Define love.............Ok let me try..........
Once upon a time there was a boy named Harry.He was not very different from the boys around, he played soccer, enjoyed bikes , eyed beautiful girls praised nature and prayed to god.Whenever he saw happy couples , he thought oh god when will i have a beautiful girl aside me , who will talk to me for hours , for whom i will spend sleepless nights , who will care for me, and will gladly except a red rose with a smile on her face that will sweep away all my pains in a second.May be that time Harrry didnot know what exactly love is , all he know about love was that it is a wonderful feeling which makes life very beautiful and in love there are no worries on mind .For a teenage boy it was a perfect thought , and his believes were right.
Harry had to go to Scotland as he had a entrance test for a university ,he had recently completed his high school and was planning for a carrer in medical stream and so he wanted to join one of the famous medical college in Biringham.It was spring and harry was standing on plateform no.2 in LONDON station waiting for his train.It was spring time in london, there was beauty all around ,and air was intoxicating filled with sweet aroma.Harry lived in London with his parents.

His father was a buisnessman , and he is the only person that harry looked at as a motivation.Harry,s dad was an ordinary man with extraoridinary will power and foresight.When harry was only 8 his father lost almost everything in a bad buisness deal and than in next 10 years he has seen the rise of a strong willed and a devoted man struggling across all the odds , moving past all obstacles and making his family a well knit unit that moved with him carrying so much love and sharing each other pains.So he was a real life hero for harry. Harry also wanted to be like his father ......strong , bold and successfull.

It was 8 in the evening and harry was waiting for his train, he had a bag which had few warm clothes and lot of books , which he belived will help in going through a revision during his 2 day long journey. He was looking around , plateform was full of passengers and than his eyes got stuck somewhere , he tried ignoring her but than again after few seconds he found himself staring at her. Few yards away stood a girl, silent , lost in somewhere may be she was staring at the railway line that ran below and extended to infinity, harry looked in her eyes and all that he was able to make out from that distance was that,they were beautiful and when a breeze passed through her face her eyelids closed and it seemed to harry that everything was going slow , he saw her eyes closing and when she opened her eyes after few seconds it seemed to harry if he has seen the lovely moon disappearing in the beauty of the night and than after a full circle after the day fades away that lovely moon reappears.
ZROOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM......................the train to scotland had arrived . Harry immideately came out of the spell took his bag and moved in the train and as he entered the gate he turned back to see that beautiful girl may be one last time , but she had dissappeard ,with a sigh harry moved in took his seat . But he never knew that god had other plans for him....after all world is a small place............

1 comment:

Suryansh said...

Arey mera harry puttar ko ishq ho gaya hai [:P]

nikamma kiya is dil main [;)]

Ye inspiration kya hai [:D]